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Offering a variety of custom made and customized action figures for the discerning collector, as well as comic-style and rendered art.


Check our EBay auctions here!


If you would like to have a figure or artwork commissioned, please contact us!










Storyte11er's Game Page

A Game site by this guy that I know...

The "Official" Website of the "Anime Series"

Crusade: Shadow Knight Saga

Call it...an experiment...

Nightside Investigations

If you need help with an unusual...or unnatural...problem, these guys are the ones to call (not really).

Shadowchaser Main Terminal Access

Click here to access the primary data terminal to the alleged pirate starship, The Shadowchaser!


The current standard of RPG sales & distribution, it seems

While you are there, check out DRAGONSLAYER GAMES created by good friend of mine: Milkman-of-Doom!

Technohol 13: the Atomic Drink!

A FANTASTIC RPG site by Firebomb, a great guy who is in a couple of Yahoo groups that I lurk in. Amazing detail & GREAT game resources.

R. Talsorian Games

Creators of the BEST Cyberpunk & Giant Mecha games ever: Cyberpunk & Mekton!

Growling Door Games

The good people that FINALLY managed to bring the "Chill" game back from the dead!

Uncanny X-Men Net

One of the BEST comic / X-Men sites on the net!

Marvel Comics

My FAVORITE comics!

White Wolf Online

Yet ANOTHER good game site

Onyx Path Publishing

Keeping the tabletop games of White Wolf alive & kicking!


Where I spend WAAAAYY too much time!